The Atos Apollo PWM solution (private wealth management solution) is aimed at management companies engaged in offering private wealth management services , be it mandate management, advisory management or industrial management. Apollo PWM solution also has institutional management functions for mixed management companies. It deals with both private management and fund management. Thus, its architecture is composed of several functionalities as illustrated in the figure below:
The Atos Apollo PWM solution also offers Business Intelligence functions allowing extracts for dynamic reporting purposes. It offers an architecture centered around Microsoft “Power BI”, whether or not it is hosted in ATOS data centers. But also help with modeling, measurements, KPIs, multiple visualizations and many other renderings.
This functionality offers the possibility of producing reports for clients based on the segmentation of portfolios, the history of allocations. Reference completeness or even the crossing of assets by portfolio (according to several criteria) is also considered. Finally, the Apollo PWM BI allows you to have several visualizations with for example Drill-Through, Forage, Tris, Exports, etc.
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